Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The power of your thoughts...

...or more popularly known as "The Secret" philosophy, we've all heard that what we think is what we get.
Yes - as the dotraki from the Game of Thrones series say - "it is known" that we have to be careful with what we wish or aim for, 'cause eventually it gets real.
Last year when I read The Secret, I was thinking that it would be very good if I got thousands of money out of no where to fix the bathroom. And that summer I received 9 thousand extra just because I participated in the activities related to my last work big sale.
And things like this happen all the time and to all of us.
For example, today I spent my whole day worried that one of my bosses ('cause I have to different bosses, and when I say DIFFERENT is waaaaaaaay different!) would tell me things about how I have to make my job.. and the things I have to control, which are lots of them, and at the end of the day, after I made my best to skip her, she found me and talked to me about all the ways in which I can work better.
Ok, she has a point, I can do so much better but she wants me to do and know things that do not concern me and have nothing to do with me.
Yesterday I was supposed to receive a roll of fabric to build a material, it didn't arrive so I had to pospone it. I was telling everyone that they had to produce it today when she asked me "what's with this fabric? Why we didn't receive it?" And i made my best effort to not answer her "I don't know since I don't buy it" but instead I thought about a diplomatic way to say it and answered her "I don't know why it didn't arrive today but I talked to the person that buys it and she tells me that it will be here tomorrow and we can produce it and ship it by truck with no problem".
And it's things like this that get me on my last nerve! And she makes questions like this all day long!!
So, in order to make it a better day tomorrow, I now declare to the whole universe that tomorrow will be the perfect day in which I will show up, do all my labors on time, have my priorities and program before 10 am, have lots of cut material to produce, have a brilliant presentation with no questions and I will be at home by 6 pm!! This I declare and will become real after I publish this post.
God please help me, give me patience and guide me!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

One of my guilty pleasures

As you may have found out, I'm a big fan of electronic music, philosophy, fitness, lifestyle, dieting, engineering, and - believe it or not - anime.
Yes. Those japanese animated stories. I know there's a lot of people that look weird to other's because of loving it too much, this is when it becomes a lifestyle (when you're an otaku but I just love three stories.
My favorites are:
1. Saint-Seiya: it tells a complex story where the author mixes and gives real greek (as well as other) mythology a twist. And is not like in Dragon Ball where they use 50 episodes for a day, it's precise, and you can't wait to watch the next episode to see what will happen!
This actually happened to me with the seasons, I watched the sanctuary and Poseidon's episodes when I was about 8 years old, then in my teenager years I found out Hades Saga and watched it on the Internet, then the before and after stories appeared and I started working and stuff.. so there's not enough time for watching it in my computer.. not even in my tablet.. but today I went shopping and I spent some money on this 3x2 blu ray sale..

2. Sailor Moon: I'm sorry but as a little girl I watched this group of ladies fighting against evil forces with beautiful costumes, lean bodies, long hair and gorgeous accesories and weapons and I kind of fell in love with it. I imagined myself like this, but the lean body and blonde long hair came after my teen years.
3. Magic Knight Rayearth: I have to confess that what really got my attention in this one was the gems that appeared everywhere! Even in the character's gloves! I didn't understand the story umtil I watched it years later. But although is a short story, is a good one.
I know I said I loved three stories but I have to mention another one, is called Vandread .
And even when I'm not crazy about other animes, I understand and respect people that is heart dedicated to this lifestyle.

This is what I call a "Random Comeback"

Hello to the 16 people that has came by my blog, accidentally or on purpose, it doesn't matter.
I just saw that my last entry was October 2011, so I decided it was time for a comeback. What a better way to do this than by telling you about this 90's song that has recently (and by recently I mean about 5 months lol) been remade! I'm talking about l'amour toujours or I'll fly with you.
The original versiom is Gigi D'Agostino and the new one is this!
I can't decide which one I like the most! Judging the music, background and effects I would go with Gigi's but I just don't like the female vocals as much as I enjoy hearing this new voice.
I leave it to you.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

That feeling #2

I wasn't sure about the title of this post, I was between "Kitchen time", "Dreams do come true", "Extremely happy" and a lot more like that.. but instead, I just wrote "That feeling #2".
"That feeling" applies to this day because of many reasons: One of them is because I got up really early to have my two rounds of exercise before breakfast, shower and going to the office, and i had THAT FEELING of when you think that you'll be all tired because you woke up really early... but it didn't happen!; another one, I had that feeling that today I was finally receiving the pics of a photo shoot I had on October 2nd, and I got a message that I can go pick them at 7!; the final one I'll have to explain it a bit further.
I accept I tend to be a little obsessive about how I like things done, about timing, about planning (even my meals are planned), about budgets, cleaning, etc... it's a LONG list. So last week I decided it was time to clean my room - meaning: throw away everything I hadn't and will not use. I like doing this in 4 easy steps:
1. Prepare: I arm myself with bags of all sizes.
2. Select: here I take everything that has throw away or give away material.
3. Categorize: thing by thing, respond to some easy questions like "how long has it been since I used this?", "will I use it again?", "is it in good conditions to give it to an association?", "can it be recycled?". Categories: recyclable, thrash, give-away, storage.
4. Throw away: put everything into bags, according to its category.
I try to do this twice or thrice  a year because I have a firm believing that when you clean all this old, unusable stuff, you make space for new things. Kind of a feng shui thought. I suddenly began thinking about the kitchen... considering our house is 40 years old and that the kitchen has not been changed, I decided it was time to buy a new one. In addition to this feng shui stuff, the kitchen is considered to be attached to our health, more specifically to our liver, the conditions of your kitchen relate to that of your liver. Interesting, huh?
I immediately looked for kitchens on the internet and found one that was cute, timeless and affordable to me. I told my mom and a week later, here I am. Tomorrow I'll give the first payment and in 15 days my mom will have the kitchen of her dreams and I'll give the final payment.
Dreams do come true, mom.
Isn't it kind of amazing-exciting-awkward how I start with something to tell a story that ends entirely in an unexpected way?
See you soon! 
P.S: there's no better thing than making your mom happy! (:

Monday, October 24, 2011

Life changer ..

I left my office, arrived home, went for my second exercise round (running), got home again and had my diner.
Everything was normal. I started making my breakfast, because I like my oats to be cold when I eat them in the morning. No, I cannot prepare them tomorrow's morning and leave them cooling out, as you'll soon discover, I am ALWAYS in a rush.
So I was waiting for my oats to boil when suddenly, a name came into my mind. Yes, it is the life changer's name.
When I graduated in July, I spent my summer going to job interviews. Four different companies. I went there for the first interview, then a second one, then the tests, then another one and finally THE call. In this one I heard the same in different words: you're too young, you're everything we want but you're not even 22... Of course I used to cry and cry, and CRY... I can even swear I heard my mom crying once because of my disappointment. But all that changed when I got a call from a company that makes car seats, headrests and armrests. They needed an intern. I went to the interview hoping to get the job, it was a paid job! OK, the salary was the tenth part of what a graduated engineer wins, but I didn't have experience. To me it was like the opportunity to join the industry, learn and grow there.
After spending two months there, I learned thousands of things, not only in production, but in quality, logistics, inventory... everyone wanted me! And I wanted to be everywhere, but not as an intern. I felt I was drowning with my tenth part of the salary. And the life changer noticed. He also noticed that I was indeed really young for that world. I can't help it but agree to that. Now that I'm 24 - it might not be THAT big difference - I can tell that I could go inside there again and achieve all my goals.
I missed the part in which I quit. As I said, everyone wanted me, but my boss just lend me to people with big challenges, and the last challenge I had was with the life changer. We spent a lot of time together, and he got to know me really good. He noticed we didn't belong there, but I objected, to me I didn't belong there being so young, and he got my point, but his reasons were different. He was a man of the high society.
When I was there I was also looking for other options and I found one. I went to the first interview, and before the next one, my life changer told me that he was best friends with the owner of the new company.
They wanted me desperately. I had my second interview with them and my proposal.
The engineering manager found out and talked to me, then the general manager told me that he was going to make a part for me, a special position just for me but he wanted some time.
My chats with my life changer really helped me to accept the work in which I am now. He also helped me with good references. And most importantly, he got me out of that hell. After I quit, I went to help him with the inventory two days, without being paid, it's not that I felt like returning the favor, THIS IS ME, THE HELPER - and as a helper, I find it really hard to accept other people's help.
Now I feel I'm ready to go back again. I just need a chance. And I won't stop looking.
This post was dedicated to him, someone that I was destined to meet. In the two months that we spent together, I found little details in my life that linked us. This is dedicated to all that special persons that change our life in small or in big ways. I truelly believe we don't have one of this persons in our lives, we have plenty of them, but I still find amazing how he got into my life and changed everything.
I hope to be one of this persons to somebody. I also hope to have more of this as I move on.
See you soon!

That feeling...

I titled this post "That feeling..." and I'm not talking about love - which is a subject that I really, really, REALLY don't want to include in my blog... or maybe I can include just one entry explaining why I lost my interest in it and why I feel so terribly uncomfortable talking about it. Don't worry, I can feel it and I actually do, but there's so much to talk about and the world is full of interesting things that we're not giving love a major role in this blog! - I'm talking about that great feeling that you have when you hear a song that you hadn't heard in a long time!
This happened to me on my way to the office.
When I was a full-time student, I used to spend a lot of my free time on my computer, chatting and downloading rock music. And having so much music leads to having to organize it. Having  my music in folders makes it a lot easier to hear, this way if I feel like hearing something light I choose "rocklings" and if I want something heavier I go to "HXC&stuff" (my short for "Hardcore and stuff").
Of course, once you graduate and find a job, spending time on the computer is hard. Hearing to new rock options or to the new songs your bands are making is HARD when you don't have the timing.
I could do it at my office but it wouldn't work because it is an open room with three desks on it, if I want to hear something, my co-workers will hear it to. And it is also impossible because one of them has this internet radio station with the commercial songs of the moment all the time!
And for this reason, the only time that I have for hearing music is the 3 to 5 minutes that I ride from my home to work. OK, I just remembered I also hear music when I log in at grooveshark (everyone go there and sign in!). So, from time to time I burn my music so that I can hear it on my car. A lot of you might be asking yourselves why I don't get an iPod or use a USB, I don't like iPod's and I prefer my CD's. The last one I made was an mp3 with four folders:
1. my insanely famous HXC&Stuff
2. a combination of Punk&Emo (kind of my beggings into heavier rock)
3. Rock in my language
4. Rocklings

This leads us to the beginning.. the song that I was talking about can be found in folder #2.. and it's called City of Angels by The Distillers.  Enjoy the song!
See you on my next post.

Just getting started

I recently created this blog because I am a really nice person but sometimes I feel I have too much inside me and, in order to avoid an explosion against innocent beings, I want this special space to write all this stuff that fills me.
OK, I want this space to say what I want without worrying about how my family, friends or people around me will react to my thoughts. It's not that I will just complain, I want to give my opinions on different subjects.
I always loved writing, and although this is not my native language, I don't know why I find it more inspiring. When I'm in my house I always write simple, short, random stuff in English, perhaps because I think that people at my house won't understand it.
Basically, this is my reason.
Hoping that everyone will have a great day, full of accomplishments..
See you on my next post! (Which will be in about a few hours)