Monday, October 24, 2011

Life changer ..

I left my office, arrived home, went for my second exercise round (running), got home again and had my diner.
Everything was normal. I started making my breakfast, because I like my oats to be cold when I eat them in the morning. No, I cannot prepare them tomorrow's morning and leave them cooling out, as you'll soon discover, I am ALWAYS in a rush.
So I was waiting for my oats to boil when suddenly, a name came into my mind. Yes, it is the life changer's name.
When I graduated in July, I spent my summer going to job interviews. Four different companies. I went there for the first interview, then a second one, then the tests, then another one and finally THE call. In this one I heard the same in different words: you're too young, you're everything we want but you're not even 22... Of course I used to cry and cry, and CRY... I can even swear I heard my mom crying once because of my disappointment. But all that changed when I got a call from a company that makes car seats, headrests and armrests. They needed an intern. I went to the interview hoping to get the job, it was a paid job! OK, the salary was the tenth part of what a graduated engineer wins, but I didn't have experience. To me it was like the opportunity to join the industry, learn and grow there.
After spending two months there, I learned thousands of things, not only in production, but in quality, logistics, inventory... everyone wanted me! And I wanted to be everywhere, but not as an intern. I felt I was drowning with my tenth part of the salary. And the life changer noticed. He also noticed that I was indeed really young for that world. I can't help it but agree to that. Now that I'm 24 - it might not be THAT big difference - I can tell that I could go inside there again and achieve all my goals.
I missed the part in which I quit. As I said, everyone wanted me, but my boss just lend me to people with big challenges, and the last challenge I had was with the life changer. We spent a lot of time together, and he got to know me really good. He noticed we didn't belong there, but I objected, to me I didn't belong there being so young, and he got my point, but his reasons were different. He was a man of the high society.
When I was there I was also looking for other options and I found one. I went to the first interview, and before the next one, my life changer told me that he was best friends with the owner of the new company.
They wanted me desperately. I had my second interview with them and my proposal.
The engineering manager found out and talked to me, then the general manager told me that he was going to make a part for me, a special position just for me but he wanted some time.
My chats with my life changer really helped me to accept the work in which I am now. He also helped me with good references. And most importantly, he got me out of that hell. After I quit, I went to help him with the inventory two days, without being paid, it's not that I felt like returning the favor, THIS IS ME, THE HELPER - and as a helper, I find it really hard to accept other people's help.
Now I feel I'm ready to go back again. I just need a chance. And I won't stop looking.
This post was dedicated to him, someone that I was destined to meet. In the two months that we spent together, I found little details in my life that linked us. This is dedicated to all that special persons that change our life in small or in big ways. I truelly believe we don't have one of this persons in our lives, we have plenty of them, but I still find amazing how he got into my life and changed everything.
I hope to be one of this persons to somebody. I also hope to have more of this as I move on.
See you soon!

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