Monday, October 24, 2011

That feeling...

I titled this post "That feeling..." and I'm not talking about love - which is a subject that I really, really, REALLY don't want to include in my blog... or maybe I can include just one entry explaining why I lost my interest in it and why I feel so terribly uncomfortable talking about it. Don't worry, I can feel it and I actually do, but there's so much to talk about and the world is full of interesting things that we're not giving love a major role in this blog! - I'm talking about that great feeling that you have when you hear a song that you hadn't heard in a long time!
This happened to me on my way to the office.
When I was a full-time student, I used to spend a lot of my free time on my computer, chatting and downloading rock music. And having so much music leads to having to organize it. Having  my music in folders makes it a lot easier to hear, this way if I feel like hearing something light I choose "rocklings" and if I want something heavier I go to "HXC&stuff" (my short for "Hardcore and stuff").
Of course, once you graduate and find a job, spending time on the computer is hard. Hearing to new rock options or to the new songs your bands are making is HARD when you don't have the timing.
I could do it at my office but it wouldn't work because it is an open room with three desks on it, if I want to hear something, my co-workers will hear it to. And it is also impossible because one of them has this internet radio station with the commercial songs of the moment all the time!
And for this reason, the only time that I have for hearing music is the 3 to 5 minutes that I ride from my home to work. OK, I just remembered I also hear music when I log in at grooveshark (everyone go there and sign in!). So, from time to time I burn my music so that I can hear it on my car. A lot of you might be asking yourselves why I don't get an iPod or use a USB, I don't like iPod's and I prefer my CD's. The last one I made was an mp3 with four folders:
1. my insanely famous HXC&Stuff
2. a combination of Punk&Emo (kind of my beggings into heavier rock)
3. Rock in my language
4. Rocklings

This leads us to the beginning.. the song that I was talking about can be found in folder #2.. and it's called City of Angels by The Distillers.  Enjoy the song!
See you on my next post.

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